The action of turning on your calculator helps your computer recognize the device that is connected through the USB hub of your computer.

Second, try using a different computer or reinstalling TI Connect CE. Press o after you connect your calculator to your computer using a USB computer cable. First, try pushing the cable in harder, you may have to push harder than you think you have to. My calculator is not connecting to my computer: There are a few things you can try.It says the operating system is not compatible: Are you sure you have a TI-84 Plus CE? The operating system given above will only work with this calculator, and you will have to download a different file for the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.Nothing happens when I drag the file into TI Connect CE: You can manually send the file by clicking on the “Actions” button in the top bar, clicking “Send OS/Bundle to Calculators”, and navigating to the OS file you downloaded.If not, read our troubleshooting section below. If all went well, then congratulations! You have updated your operating system.